Saturday, February 23, 2008

A Continuation

I'm in Joliet now. I cried on the way here talking to my dad about this project, I'm so overwhelmed. I think I'm getting TOO MUCH critique. Hmm. But for every 5 frustrating nuggets there's 1-2 that make me really stop and think. I'm shooting with film now, using a 67 and a square, playing around I guess. I'm pissed, I just bought a 20' cable release that doesn't work, but this weekend I'm shooting with the Yashica Mat that doesn't even have a hole for that, it has a self timer which is sweet. Whatever, I'll figure it out. I shot in my high school this afternoon, where my mom worked. A security guard let me in, however she watched me the whole time so no self-p's today. I got some shots outside of and in her room, so those might be neat. Or at least prove my point as to why I don't want images that don't have her in them. I finally found the words for why I don't want to do that- I think, without my presence, it cements the fact that she is dead. When those images have an absence of life, and it is purely what she left behind, I can't look at it. The images will have too much weight I feel, at least for me. And that's not MY vision and doesn't go with the project. It's MY project, in the end.

There is a method to my madness!

Anyway enough shop talk, here's some of the film images I am considering. (These aren't final scans, except one, these are from the sleeve.

(There is text for this, however I have not made it into a .jpg yet)

(Reshot for this text)

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

note to self


Things to remember:
• put away the groceries lying on my bed
• "you know how I do" is not an acceptable response in critique
• look, but don't touch. better yet, don't look.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

new work, a continuation of "Self-Portraits as Roxanne"

I have to present one of these to my class today, as well as my older images for this project. I think I will present the first text/image pair. What do you think? Any feedback is welcome.