Thursday, November 27, 2008

and so

I usually dislike Thanksgiving (eager for Christmas to begin, food is overrated, I hate Puritans, though I do love talking in ye olde Pligrim speakke), but this year I must say...

I am thankful for my family for being so unconditionally loving and supporting. I am thankful for my friends for also being loving and supporting, helping me spend all summer trolling for booty and drinking with me, going to things with me, coming to my shows, etc. I am thankful for my boyfriend, who makes me feel more beautiful and strong than I have probably ever felt. I am thankful for Seymour the Terrible, even though he has scratched me 4 times today already. I am thankful that I have artistic talent, a sharp mind, biting wit, an empathic nature, and an overall passion for life, and that everyone I keep in my close circle shares these qualities also. I am thankful that I have not ever gone without food or a place to sleep, and that I will most likely never have to face these problems. I am thankful that, albeit it's not the best by far, I was raised in a first-world country. I am thankful.

Happy Thanksgiving!


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