I haven't shot anything in over 3 months and I have no idea what else to shoot.
My lab fees run out in 2 1/2 months.
I don't know what to do.
I'm still looking for a fucking job s the idea of just dicking around and shooting and developing 2 rolls of film kills me.
My lab fees run out in 2 1/2 months.
I don't know what to do.
I'm still looking for a fucking job s the idea of just dicking around and shooting and developing 2 rolls of film kills me.
i have come and gone as a visitor since you made beautiful art journals, but was always too shy to say anything.
i hope you are better these days. i know how hopeless things can seem.
Thank you, that's very sweet to say! I may post some work here once I get some film from my Diana developed. These days I shoot for fun (if at all) instead of on projects and the whole art world has left me jaded. But, you know, trying to be optimistic.
you're welcome! i bet you are having a blast with the diana. i have a super sampler and have yet to get a roll of film developed because i'm unemployed and broke, but it's a lot of fun to shoot with. i think shooting for fun is what it's all about, you know? i feel jaded at times, too, especially with art school, although i know i need to get a degree to advance in most things. i'm a graphic design student but right now i'm taking a break because i don't have the funds for it. being optimistic is half the battle, though! i'm trying to do the same.
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